What is Interfaith Coalition?
Homelessness and economic challenges can be abrupt and without warning. It can be a train roaring toward a mom and her children without time to get anyone off the tracks. And when it happens, any semblance of a safety net is gone. Instead, an entire family’s focus is on survival, and we insist that no parent or child be put in that place.
Interfaith Coalition serves families experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, and other economic challenges in Whatcom County without regard to race, color, age, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. We bring the resources of congregations and community partners together with those of social service agencies, largely through volunteer action. Interfaith Coalition is a leader and a partner in tackling some of our community’s greatest issues to ensure the health and well-being of all of Whatcom County’s residents. We are united in faith and the commitment to help others, regardless of individual beliefs or religious affiliation.
Our History
At a meeting on October 17, 1981, 44 representatives from 24 faith communities in Whatcom County agreed to pool resources to address unmet needs for vulnerable residents of Whatcom County. By pooling resources, we can do so much more than each could do alone.
Congregations donated start-up expenses, and Christ the Servant Lutheran Church offered space for our first office. In collaboration with Opportunity Council and the Whatcom County Medical Society, Interfaith Coalition created a program in which community physicians agreed to accept referrals of those in need of medical care but without the resources to obtain it. These initial volunteer physicians led to Interfaith Medical Care officially beginning in September 1982, as a program of Opportunity Council, supported by Interfaith Coalition.
Our medical program began on-site services at its first clinic in 1987, and in 1992 on-site dental services were provided as well. In 1997 behavioral health care was added to the services provided. The Interfaith Community Health Center became an independent non-profit organization in 2001 that you know today as Unity Care NW.
A Growing Need - Addressing Homelessness
In the early 1990’s, as the need for affordable housing and the rise in homelessness became increasingly apparent, Interfaith Coalition decided to develop temporary housing for homeless families. A four-unit apartment was built, thanks to the overwhelming support from 41 congregations, 55 businesses, and countless individuals. The first families moved in in July 1995.
Today, people, congregations, businesses, and agencies of all beliefs and backgrounds work with Interfaith Coalition so we can provide housing, resources, community, food, and skills-building to Whatcom County families experiencing homelessness and economic challenges. We are breaking the cycle of homelessness and lessening economic stress for families and children. While living in one of our 10 housing units, families begin the hard work of rebuilding their life with effective housing support from our partner agencies. Having stable housing and food encourages children to stay in school, and helps parents get back on their feet.
Connecting families with the skills and tools they need through our partnerships and our UPLIFT country-wide program is the essential and constant work of the Interfaith Coalition. Our work is funded by our community. Your generous gifts of money, goods, and time are investments in a better life for all our neighbors.